Vatopedi Monastery
Diffusion of the historic treasures of the monastery.

Approach & Solution
Mount Athos is known worldwide as the site with the largest collection of Greek and Byzantine art. The Monastery discovered i2S solutions through a Greek service provider who used the SupraScan QUARTZ A1 for digitization projects. The monks wish to digitize the collections in order to disseminate the historical treasures they have outside the monastery, mainly for scholars and religious.
The Vatopedi Monastery used i2S technology by ordering a SupraScan A1 old generation.
In addition, in order to manage their database, they use personalized document management software from which they can enrich the images by adding metadata, Book Restorer.
Thanks to i2S scanners, the Monastery is able to achieve its project goals of digitizing 2,000 Manuscripts, 25 Scrolls and over 35,000 documents and printed books.
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National Library of France
Because knowledge should be within everyone’s reach, the French National Library has decided to make cultural heritage more accessible to the general public. This is a recognized civic commitment, but one that has reached its limits with the use of photocopiers: old or bound works wear out quickly (face turned over, crushing), with limited ergonomics (you can’t see what’s being reprographed).