Charleston County Land Records
The Charleston County Register of Deeds (ROD) office records land titles, liens and other documents related to real estate transactions within the County. Digital preservation of land records is essential to ensure long-term access to aging and deteriorating public records.

Approach & Solution
The Charleston County Register of Deeds (ROD) office records land titles, liens and other documents related to real estate transactions within the County. Its role is to ensure that all recorded documents comply with the requirements of federal and state archival laws, in order to make the documents available to the public.
The preservation of Charleston County land records in digital form is essential to ensure long-term access to aging and deteriorating public records. Digitization of these historic documents is made possible by i2S’s SupraScan Quartz A0, the same state-of-the-art scanner used by organizations such as the Library of Congress, State Historical Societies and several universities across the USA. The use of the i2S SupraScan Quartz A0, a very powerful scanner, delivers perfect quality and detail for the best possible preservation of documents.
With over 1,000 volumes to scan, McIntyre is delighted to report that 40% of the project has been completed. He proudly states that “the i2S equipment has been a tremendous help in getting our projects back on track and preserving the integrity of our archives”. McIntyre also adds that “the feature that has been essential for us is the book cradle. Without this essential element, our team would not have been able to carry out this project effectively. The sales and support teams were outstanding. It took a few years for our county government to agree to this funding, but once everything was finalized and in place, projects could begin and we fully realized the importance of this equipment”.
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